Please join us, in person at the clubhouse or on Zoom, for the Cherry Home Shores Annual Meeting on Saturday, May 25th, at 10:00 am EDT. If you haven’t yet, please get your voting ballot for CHA Board of Directors and for the annual budget in by 11:59 pm EDT Friday, May 24, or bring it in person to the meeting on the 25th. Also, if you can’t be there in person, please, please send a signed proxy form with someone you trust to the meeting. The proxies help count towards our needed quorum to ensure that the meeting and vote are official.
If you are able to attend the meeting in person, be sure to bring a lawn chair and dress for cooler weather. We’ll hold the meeting outdoors, weather permitting.
Click here for the tentative meeting agenda.
Because the vote counting from the election can take several hours, the board decided to hold the annual barbecue on Sunday, May 26th, at 1:00 pm EDT. The association will provide hot dogs and hamburgers, chips, pop and other basics. Please feel free to bring an additional dish to share.
Annual Meeting Zoom Info
CHA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: CHA 2024 Annual Zoom Meeting
Time: May 25, 2024 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 865 1133 9115
Passcode: 902242
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Meeting ID: 865 1133 9115
Passcode: 902242